Crazytalk Animator v2.1.1624.1 Pipeline + Bonus Pack incl Patch

Crazytalk Animator v2.1.1624.1 Pipeline

Crazytalk Animator v2.1.1624.1 Pipeline + Bonus Pack incl Patch
CrazyTalk Animator provides an exciting new approach to traditional 2D animation with innovative new tools that allow users to apply 3D motions to 2D characters. New powerful tools have opened new possibilities for freely editing 2D motions and viewing them from any angle with a single click. Combined with functional features like facial puppet and auto lip-sync, it has become the most creative tool for 2D character animation.

CrazyTalk Animator 2 brings a whole new 3D experience to 2D animation! In this new version, we have taken a huge leap forward by elimintating planar, 2D restrictions and allowing designers to now use popular 3D motions on 2D characters. This has opened a new way for editing motions freely without single angle limitations. In addition, the brand new multi-dimensional character system maintains the mix-and-match creation power of CrazyTalk Animator, while delivering quick, render style options for instant visual alternatives. CrazyTalk Animator 2 is not just the next version; it is the kick-starter to a 3D motion revolution in 2D animation!

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